What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolved Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body. You have to use that connectivity to eliminate pain quickly, efficiently, and sustainably for the long term. The only way to do that is by balancing your physical, mental, and emotional sides. What I want to do today is give you a nice recipe for pain-free living, something; quick and easy. This first principle that I understand and that I want you to understand is to live; and move pain- free, you have to do self-care. We all understand that… but one of the things that is underlining and feeds that self-care is what I want you to really focus on.
It is a three part recipe. Ingredient number one. Your self-care needs to be peaceful, it needs to be easy, and it needs to be enjoyable. Common misconceptions are, “Got to go to the beach. Got to be on vacation. Got to be in tropical weather.” No. It doesn’t. It doesn’t have to be like that. What it has to be is on your own terms, and you have to take time to look inward. That’s it.
You can do it in your living room, you can do it in your bathroom, you can do it in a toilet bowl; you can do it anywhere because it’s all in your head. You just have to now sift out the outside world with the inside world. That’s all this is, it’s learning the difference between the two and making it enjoyable. And in order to do that, we have to understand that it is all about the fun we have.
You have to have fun doing whatever you’re doing. Hanging out with people, having fun doing any activity, watching them fall on their face, or while you’re doing your foam rolling, getting down and having a real conversation with somebody. That is where it really starts to make a big difference. It is not you doing the action of foam rolling, trigger points, stretching, or whatever it is you’re doing. It is that you’re having fun, enjoying it while it happens, and not trying to perfect your self-care in that one moment. It’s all about you getting down and having fun. That’s when your body will perform the best.
I have a client that comes in consistently and all we do – this is majority of my clients, FYI – is laugh. We joke, and we have fun, all while we are doing our bodywork. I know for a fact that unless I get them to laugh and have some fun, the body always leans toward protection. I have to give it a compelling reason to let down its guard. That’s what it does. It tries to protect itself consistently from everything.
We have to now get you to realize that it doesn’t have to. By you laughing and having fun, it drops that guard, and now your body heals even faster. Now, if you stay present in that happy-go-lucky state, that’s the mesh between both worlds. Once you link that, that’s when things really start to change.
Recipe number two is, meshing your emotions into your world, building confidence. You; have to start going out and start learning how all the self-care that you have been doing, like the foam rolling, and, trigger point work, is affecting your body. All the extra movement that comes from the self-care, must be put in your everyday life. You have to see how easy it is to do a walking motion, the lunges that you practice, the squats etc. Realize that every time you sit down on the couch, you’re squatting. Look at how that moves, and see how your hips move, rather than going back to your old, congested sitting pattern which is really tight. See all the movement that you are doing.
So, number one, have fun with it. Number two, mesh in a little bit of clean movement and notice what’s happening. And number three, the biggest thing we are going to top this off with, is a little bit of slow and concise prominent breathing. Start looking at the breathing. Very concise. Very synchronized. Very purposefully. You want to start breathing while you are doing your activity. Watch how your body does this in sync with itself; it goes up and down. That’s what I want you to focus on. Do all three of those, and I guarantee that you will start to do things better and better. Until next time folks.
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