"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

What’s up, Patrick Lerouge here. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the live pain-free process. You can find me at live pain-free process.com. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body. You have to learn that connectivity to heal rapidly and efficiently. Today, we’ll be talking about the concept of the way that you walk, and the majority of us don’t realize that we’re gracefully avoiding a fall. What do I mean by that? It means when we walk, we’re just allowing our bodies to just keep up with us, and it’s flopping all over the place. All it’s technically doing is using muscle tissue in any way, shape, or form to keep us upright, so we do not fall. If we would take it apart, it simply looks like we’re just gracefully trying to avoid falling; we’re flopping all over the place to avoid a fall.


Let’s take apart the things that you can do to get your body to balance out the way you walk. It’s the small conscious things that you need to do to get your body to start moving more efficiently and a lot easier so you don’t look like you’re a zombie in The Walking Dead. And two, you avoid injury from walking. You’d be surprised how many people get injuries just by walking because it’s an overused activity.


I want you to understand one thing. If you’re not walking with purpose and drive, your body is always going to flop all over the place. If you’re always point A to point B or very mindful about how your body moves, your body is going to do one thing, and that’s the way the body works best. If you focus on one thing, it’s just going to take it and run with it in the most efficient way possible, but if you’re all over the map, your body is going to be pulling information from everywhere.


We’re not going to be talking about the mindfulness aspect because that’s another big topic. What we are going to be talking is just the strict mechanics of being purposely walking and getting your body to propel itself forward without hurting yourself. The three areas I really want you to focus on are: what’s happening in your feet, what’s happening in your hips, what’s happening in your core, your driving force, all of which translate into how confident you are.


Now we’re set up, I want you to focus on your feet, what’s happening in your hips, where you’re propelling your engine from, and how structured of a unit you are. If you focus on those three things, everything will get easier when walking because when you’re walking and not realizing where your feet are landing, you’re more likely going to try to grab the world and have more of a connection.


So if you have an A-type personality, you’ll see that this is easier because you’re already so driven. Taking ginormous steps out, you will be doing that because you are try to reach your destination faster. The result is that you will automatically heel strike, and that’s going to throw a lot of kinetic weight up into the system without much disbursement. And it’s probably going to land in your back, your knees, or both. There’s many different places it can land, and a lot of people talk about that.


If you want to understand that more, go back to my old video about “The importance of walking video” I was outside. I show a lot of mechanics of how you’re supposed to walk and how that’s supposed to propel you forward, so take a look at that. Just notice that I want you to start focusing on pushing off.


Next thing I want you to focus on is what’s happening in your hip. Where are you leading from? I teach a lot of people about the core, and it’s not about doing planks to strengthen your belly; there is more to it. I want you to start driving your energy from your navel, so that when you’re walking, you’re not walking with a belly out/bowed out sensation, but you’re walking leading with your navel. It’s automatically going to keep you upright. If your navel is pointing forward, straight and forward, now your hips have to readjust somewhat, so it’s not pointing down or pointing all the way up. If you have a back injury, it’s still the same thing; if you find this sweet spot, the back pain will diminish. Find the sweet spot where your navel feels comfortable leading the route. Your body’s going to be upright so much easier.


And number three, the thing that I want you to do and the third aspect is notice how structured you are when you walk. We’re talking about what’s happening with your knees and your feet. If you’re still allowing your body to flop around and you’re looking like you’re in The Walking Dead chasing somebody, you will consistently hurt yourself, but if you’re structured, and you start watching the way you walk, one, your core will start to define itself all by itself. So if you’re looking for a six-pack, start walking more, and start using it properly.  It is not holding your breath when you’re walking either.


What we’re talking about is just a nice subtle contraction where now you have a controlled twist and not so much flopping. So as you walk, you want this natural twist to happen, but not excessive which means your oblique system has to work properly with your abdominals and transverse abdominals. There’s so many aspects to the core. I’m not going to get into that because that’s just a whole conundrum in itself, but all those muscles have to start learning how to work together to get you to do a number like this.


If you’re doing that on a conscious basis, you’re now walking with your navel, and you have this nice little twist. Now, you’re going to be walking with consciousness and with more purpose, and it’s going to make you feel more confident. It’s opening up your chest. You’re going to be able to breathe better, you’re going to be able to walk, and you’re not going to be pounding on yourself consistently, and all you have to do is watch those three areas.


Make sure you’re not flopping all over the place. Make sure this is not extremely tight. Make sure your core has a nice subtle tightness to it where it actually is restricting itself. And then now, it’s working with itself. It’s not a hard frozen aspect, like when you do core work, and you’re doing planks or anything like that. It’s just a subtle contraction, where now, it’s controlling you from moving side to side and a complete rotation. You want a nice and easy movement.


You focus on that. Focus on where you’re landing with your feet. Pushing off with your back foot with your foot behind you, your other foot is naturally going to land in the right spot underneath of you. And now, you have the ability to walk and not be putting more damage on your body. And your body is going to walk gracefully, it’s going to walk smoothly, and it’s going to be so much easier on you all the way around. Then, you start working on your mind influence, and you can start doing the meditative walks and all those things. And that’s a whole different story, but, I want you to really focus on that, and that will help you avoid falling.



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