"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here, and you can find me at LivePainFreeProcess.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process. I’ve been creating innovative ways to heal all based off of learning how to focus inward. Once you learn how to focus inward, anything is possible. That’s what I want to talk to you about today: how we make changes stick or how we get our bodies to change, whether you want to lose weight, get stronger, or condition yourself to be able to run a marathon. What you must do in order to get your body to change and hold that change in a sustainable way is safely get your body to go to extremes and then make that extreme consistent. You have to build an environment that’s safe for your body to be at an extreme. When we’re talking about cardio and getting your heart rate to up in the level for burning fat for instance, you have to slowly build that extreme. If you follow heart rates, and your max heart rate is 150, you want to stay at the 140 zone for a little while and until it becomes consistent. Then once you move up to that new extreme, your body has to change. It is the new normal.

The reason why is because, “the body does not want to effort for long. If it works hard long enough, it will rebalance itself to work more efficiently; for instance, it will speed up your metabolism to lose weight, to have a body that lighter to move, or to become more flexible. It will do whatever it needs to do in order to hold that new norm. You have to learn to push yourself to an extreme in a safe way. I can’t say that enough. You have to start pushing yourself, pushing yourself, pushing yourself. However, you don’t want to challenge yourself so much that you’re throwing up or passing out like in some extreme boot camps.

It gets you some extreme results, yes, but at what cost? What are these boot camps risking? I’ve also seen people do track workouts and swimming workouts where they just pass out at the end, and these are pretty extreme. I understand you have to put it all out there. Do it in a safe, consistent way. Your body will think that’s the new norm. You will never think about working hard ever again once it starts making that new norm a habit because you’ve pushed yourself safely to that extreme.

Safely go to your extreme, and things will change. Your body will start thinking that this new way of living is normal. Once you start doing that, things will start coming to you more naturally, easily, and quickly. You’ll get stronger faster. You’ll be able to jump higher. You’ll be able to sustain an injury and heal faster because now your body has a strong habit to get back to, so healing needs to be fast. It’s all about learning how to push yourself safely to an extreme. Hopefully, this worked out for you. Please, push yourself. Challenge yourself, but in a safe way. Until next time, bye.

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