"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com


What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at LivePainFreeProcess.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free process. I’m going to be showing you innovative ways to learn how to heal when we’re outdoors. Last week we talked about the eccentric load within the calf. This week, I want to show you a natural, easy way that you can open your hip flexor.

I decided to do it outside because I want to show you how easy it is for you to do it anywhere and everywhere. First you must understand that we are broken down into foundations, first foundation being your feet, second foundation being your hips, and then your shoulder girdle glide. Those three foundations need to be able to open and close easily. Where the trouble lies is that we sit all the time, so our hip flexors are always tight, which then tightens up our back and ruins everything.

That means we’re either going to have these short, choppy steps all the time, or you see people hunched over when they walk. It never truly opens because we have more of a 6 cycle down, so every chance you get, I want you to start learning how to open your knee.

A year back, I talked about how the big toe plays a role in how you move. Earlier this year, I spoke more about that walking pattern and being able to open up that hip flexor by allowing more backward momentum with that foot. I’m going to keep on rolling with that and show you a stretch that gets you to open up your hip. What you have to do is get down on a knee as if you were to propose. Open up that stance by bringing other foot out in front of you. Once you open up that stance, your hip flexor is going to naturally open. A lot of people can end here. The next step is now to be nice and tall, navel in, tighten up the glute on same side. This glute will start to open up the hip. That’s one place that you can stop after you’re able to feel the stretch in the hip flexor region.

One step further is to open up the entire hip; your hip flexor runs through your hip and attaches to the inside of your back. That’s why it is such a key component to your eliminating back pain. You access that by raising your arm up. The same leg that’s down, raise that arm up and reach as far as you can, with the glute still contracted. Reach all the way up. The stretch is going to work its way up from your hip to your belly. Then look up, and reach with the armpit, and take the armpit slightly higher rotating slightly twisting behind yourself. You have to keep everything nice and tight, keeping core and your glute contracted and your hip flexor open, now pulling in and then roll it out, which now opens up the whole entire chain.

That is where the sweet spot is because that’s now accessing everything. It’s accessing all of your hip flexors, some of your oblique muscles, and some of your abdominals; the majority of your core starts to open up, and that’s how you get muscle tissue to contract and expand. Contract and expand; that’s where the power comes in. Folks, your hip flexor, your second foundation, is huge. Get that to open in many different ways. Watch the way that you walk , and if you didn’t watch the first one, please go back, find it, and add this in every time you see a grassy spot and you have a second, just take a knee. It’s really that simple. It takes 4 seconds to do. With a couple breaths, you’re good to go.



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