What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I have a pain free concierge practice where I come into people’s homes, eliminate their pain, and teach them everything they need to do based off my live pain free process. It walks you through what you need to do physically, clears up your mind mentally, and gives you a balanced emotional state where you can optimize your athletic performance. I designed this to help people live and move pain free, which brings us to the last thing that we’re going to be doing in this lovely month of February — getting the ankle to open up completely. We went through a pain free mindset, we went through getting the ankle to move in the myofascial world, the ankle moving clearer because of trigger point, which makes you become springier, and now we’re going to get it to communicate properly because you will stretch the ankle properly. Eventually, once you to start doing this regularly, you’re going to do three activities in one sitting so you can get the whole ankle to move just like that, relatively quickly.


All you have to do now is utilize a rope to get your ankle to become more of a movable structure. I’ve seen people use bathrobe towels, but you want to stay away from bands or something that’s going to be a springy object because it’s going to give your muscle tissue a micro-fire aspect, which is a mini bounce sensation.


All you have to do now is relatively easy. Put your hips all the way against a wall. You want to wrap the rope around the ball of your foot once. This is where people make their mistake; they just grab the rope and pull. What I want you to do is just tuck your butt a little further and grab down as far as you can. Once you do that, you’re already going to be getting a pseudo-stretch in your calf. All you need to do is pull on the rope slightly; you should feel the stretch up the entire calf. Take a deep breath. Relax for a second, and then just let the rope go.


Reach down again. Feel the stretch. Take a deep breath. You’re going to feel your stretch working its way up to the back of your knee. You shouldn’t be saying things like, “Oh my god this is a huge. painful stretch,” and you shouldn’t be holding your breath. It should be a nice, easy thing for your body to accept. Then I want you to take the rope and wrap it around the ball of your foot one more time. I want you to grab the rope and pull the inside side. Your foot is going to rotate toward the side you are pulling, so now, you’re clearing out the peroneals. Take a deep breath. Work with it. Then, do the same thing with the other side. You’re pulling on the other side, and you’re working the inside, the intrinsic muscles, the deep fibers of the intrinsic muscles of the evertor. Take a deep breath again. Just repeat. That’s going to clear out your peroneals and your calves.


Remember, you’re just going to do it a couple times. Get the calf working up first, then your peroneals, and then your evertor and invertors. Then I want you to put it to the test. In a seated position, lay your legs out in front of you and bring your foot up. Point your foot and toes down. The more you can arch your feet and point your foot out, the more your tibialis anterior is going to start stretching. Now, you’re getting more ankle range of motion.


If you do this consistently, your body is going to notice that it can do more. It can work with itself more. That’s going to be where your body starts to make it a habit. That’s when things start to really shift. This is where it gets complicated. You now have to take all this newfound knowledge and bring it into your everyday life. When you walk, allow your ankle tissue to move. If you do all this work and then you’re walking stiffly like the majority of us do, your body is still going to revert back. It takes that mindset, that clear mindset, to see what you’re doing and see how your body is responding to everything you do. Start watching people walk. Walk behind somebody, and see if you can see the bottom of their shoe. If you can’t, they’re locking their foot, and they’re not allowing that ankle to move. Start allowing yourself to move.


I did a videotape last year about the proper ways to walk. That will explain everything to you. If you can go through my YouTube channel, look through it. Find it. It’s tips to walking, the proper way to walk. That’s the best way I can explain that, so if you haven’t watched that, please go back to that and check that out. If you guys have any other questions, see you next week. Next week, we’re probably going to walk through the knee. Later.



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