"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from evolve restorative therapy. You can find me at live pain free process.com. I’m and intuitive healing expert, and I have a pain free concierge practice that helps people eliminate pain for the long term. It’s all based off my live pain free process that gives people the step by step process to eliminate pain physically, balance out their mental stand point, and balance out their emotional aspect. Athletes have been saying that it optimizes athletic performance all because I designed it to help people live and move pain free. This week, we’re going to be talking about the concept of foam rolling for knee pain.

You want to first double back and watch the calf videos from last month. Foam rolling the calf properly associates how the knees are going to function. If you didn’t watch that calf pain video, please go back and take a look. That’s going to play a sequence role within how the knee works. If you only do one thing here, that is working the quad. Your knee is not going to function completely the way you want it to. I’m only going to show you foam rolling for the quad today because when you balance out foam rolling for the calf and the quad, then your knee has a happier work and living environment.

It’s not about just mashing tissue. It’s not about beating yourself in submission. It’s all about getting your body to understand what’s happening. Get your muscle tissue to start learning how to move. When it comes to fascia, it’s not about how deep and how hard you can go. It’s about how much you can work out the fascial system to get it to open up naturally so it can stay that way.

When you beat up the tissue really, really hard, your body is going to trick you. It’s going to say, “By the way, you win. I give up.” Then, it’s going to double back, protect itself harder, and make stronger fascial tissue.  That’s why we have to work harder and harder every single time we foam roll or every time we do our self-care. We’re consistently beating up on our body. Don’t do that. You want to start getting your body to start wanting this. Craving this. Not fearing from it. When it comes to foam rolling, it’s all about angle versus weight load. You have to control your weight load so you can put yourself at a right angle that your body will accept the foam rolling. Take a kneeling position. Extend the leg that you want to roll out. Place the foam roller under straight leg.

All you’re going to do is lean on it. Now, all my weight load is on my front hands and my opposite knee. As long as you keep your back neutral and straight, you will have a sturdy angle where you now can control things.

Bring your belly button into the spine which brings in your core. Put it in right and then all you have to do is start slight movement. As you start to lean and twist slightly, you’re controlling how much weight load you have. Now there’s no more grimacing. There’s no more protection of the body. All you have to do is, in a very slow manner, start inching your way up the quad, the foam rollers moving down. As I start doing this, I allow more of the fascial system to open. Then, once I get to an area where I cannot control weight load and angle, where I’m too clamped shut, I rearrange how my body is moving up. Then, I can continue going down, realizing what’s happening within the quad.

If you are new to foam rolling, the quad could be a very tender area. Take your time with it. Start exploring what’s happening. Remember: this is a learning tool. Your body is going to tell you different things. Get up afterwards, and see what’s happening. See how your body responds. If you’re going through pain, your body is protect itself you went to hard.

Unless you’re with someone that’s structured, knows what he’s doing, and pushes you for a specific reason, you shouldn’t be in any pain. Even in that case, he should be able to get that pain to diminish rapidly because he did it for a little bit to excite your body. He did it for a reason. Make sure you don’t leave in extreme pain because that’s a problem.

If you guys need any other help, please holler at me. Send me an email because I love those. Also, comment on this blog below. I haven’t seen many comments on the video and blogs because everyone’s been emailing me. I’ve been saying that, but that’s another easy thing that you can do. Just comment on this video and say something like good article or video or ask a question.

I’ll answer right there, and that’s probably a lot easier. I’m surprised; in the five years I’ve been doing this, I didn’t think about that. Comment on the video. Until next time guys, bye.


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