-I didn’t overthink my busy week.
-I put together the notes for each of my Facebook lives and creating content. I knew what I want to talk about and allowing it to be easy and simple.
-Not doing dumb things, like worrying about the to-do list
-I was able to listen to my body being in a place of ease.
The big productivity win for me is not efforting and not forcing it.
I could see how going through the process really extends the time of being calm with a lower nervous system.
The fast world seemed slow. It was wild.. the fast world seems slow and then in the same sense where I felt kind of still. Like sitting in the center, the eye of the hurricane. I am still and everything else is spinning about going about their business. BUT I have the wherewithal and the perspective to see all the things moving slow.
And on the personal side
It was just nice that it was a very effortless level of being present, which was great. Being with my husband was wild too. It was just like we were dating. like being in this place of joy and connection. I was open to receive and be genuinely be with him. Opposed to being like roommates with benefit on autopilot.
It’s like a drug, and it’s freaking awesome.
It truly was a beautiful taste of what it’s like to be that fully aligned higher version of myself.
Overall amazing I could see the immense value of doing a series.
How that would build upon itself and really continue the process of massive alignment. I could see how going through the process really extends the time of the lower nervous system.”