"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

Quick easy way to boost your energy to do things like

Condition Yourself To Sit All Day SO YOU DON’T REGRET IT

A micro Course on Regenerating energy when you need it quickly

Sitting all day can have some major consequences, but there are ways to combat them.

Find out how you can condition your body to sit all day and be a high performer.

I know you sit all the time. The client meetings zoom calls traveling by car or plane—family time bringing them to where they need to go, etc.
Feel into this for a second
The commonly talked about back pain
Are those things creating more significant problems is what I want to bring your attention to?
These issues seem small as back pain, neck tightness, and low energy when you look at them. But when you look at what your body is telling you, it because eye-opening adds up, keeping you in a compromised state.

Minor issues add up, like overspending on a fixed budget.


You have to catch it early, or it will become a behavior that is embedded deep that has cycles of appearances. Which you will coin self-sabotaging cycles

To combat this now, all it takes is you doing your self-care with a different focus.

Not to eliminate the pain but to target the behavior. This is the solution.
Here is a quick example of how to focus on the behavior. Notice I get you to focus on how you move rather than pain.

By you moving well, you promote blood flow and energy production.

This video is one of the classes I held with my Intuitive Elite Performers within the Freedom Mastery Experience.

To access the rest of the routine That resets your mind and body, please click on the link below, and I will send you the link to the platform to get the relief you deserve.