"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com
Making a Thought a thought, Setting you free

Making a Thought a thought, Setting you free

A message to becoming your most productive self and get more things done.

The concept that I want you to wrap your head around in this two minutes is your thoughts are your thoughts.
You have to learn how to separate from your thoughts, to get yourself to become more action-driven. The more action you take, the more things you will do.

we get bogged down by all the things that we should do, Right or Wrong, good or bad, et cetera.
The thought that I want you to understand is, a thought is a thought not who you are. Separating yourself from that gives you the ability to say, I want to take action or I don’t.

For instance, we all have that time where we get the positive reinforcement that we’re doing. we’ll go with it feeling good with no second-guessing.

But then the majority of our thoughts are negative. Not helpful, but our brain is hard-wired to do this to keep us safe. So you become a person that doesn’t want to take action. A person that second guesses.

You need to be able to say thank you to the positive as well as no thank you to the negative. The only way we do that is by separating them from who you are.

The easy thought would be, except the positive, tone out the negative.

I want you to put them both in the same box and put them beside you.

Watch as you become an action train. Doing actions that would like your time in deliberations inside your head.
Then, when a thought comes in, you have the ability then to say,
I love that. Thank you.


That is not good. I do not want it. I don’t accept it.

So saying no thank you.

Once you’re able to do that, you’ll become more and more or an action-driven boss.

Less and less, bogged down by your thoughts. because now there’s someone something separate, just put them in a separate box.
I get it your thoughts are still you, but it’s separate.

So thought is just a thought. If you want more information about this, just comment down below.

I’ll give you some more information about getting comfortable in your skin as a way to become more productive.


Pick up my amazon best selling book “A simple path to getting everything done” https://www.amazon.com/Simple-Path-Getting-Everything-Done

If You Have Not Done This… Prepare To Get Sick

If You Have Not Done This… Prepare To Get Sick

Bring healing back to the basics

when it comes to not getting sick takes a lot of preparation and easy action. We are currently going through the transition period in seasons. If you are not doing aware of how the body is going through changes there is a good chance you will get sick. It is October and we are in a transitional period where you must begin to change your mind and body. Staying true to the place you are in, and following the seasonal trends of food and temperature is the solution and you will make it through the transition with ease.

Understanding that the body has just gone through a drying spell from summer, you must begin to take down that excess heat that is in the body naturally. You can do so eating foods that harvested now, like apples, root vegetables, and cooling alkaline based foods.

What naturally happens in the body when it stays too hot going int the summer it begins to produce reactive mucus to protect itself from pathogens, which creates the hard to beat sicknesses of the winter.

BY following the suggestions here you will begin to get your body and mind back to balance.

Suffer From Allergies listen up

Suffer From Allergies listen up

What’s up everybody, Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Restorative Therapy your health consultant doing one of my walking in talkings. Today I wanted to say if you are suffering from allergies this chat is for you.

It is now going into September and the kids and I are prepping for our walk to school. We are practicing seeing how it feels, to see how it long it takes to get to school so we can time the walk to not be late. Tyler and I were discussing the reason why we prep for things. The example I used was how I have been working on my allergies and must get ahead of the curve in order to not feel bad during the season.
When you think of prepping or getting ahead of allergy season I am not thinking of. Do you have all your allergy medicine in line or your allergy supplements? The way that I have been cutting down my allergy symptoms for a for a couple years now is that I must realize that the body is going through a seasonal change and need to transition to the next type of environment. Problem is it not in the best place to make the change.

Summer’s all about the Heat

The hotness and the continual heat on your body dries your internal skin out. Hydration is key to battling allergies. Proper hydration allows for the proper amount of mucus production to defend your body an against allergens. But Because we are chronically dehydrated, we produce an excess of mucus causing most of our symptoms. The main point and take away I want you to hear is are you ahead of the game?
A foundation lesion I teach is the timeline of pain. I teach my clients is you have thoughts that turn into words. The things that you say, turn into the actions, the actions that you do consistently turn into the habits that you have that formed the beliefs, the beliefs dictate back into your thoughts. That is the timeline of pain.

Whether it’s a physical pain and mental pain emotion thing. That timeline happens. In this conversation we are prepping for is allergies. On this walk we are prepping my kids for walking to school, getting sun and getting exercise. I am getting them to act and prep for what’s to come. What is your action that you’re going to be doing for allergy season?

I want you to see it coming so it’s no surprise. What I’m going to do in September, is be talking all about the things that happened and why you have allergies. In September I will break apart and go further into allergies and show you what I’m going to be doing. I’m giving you a glimpse into my cleanse I’m going to be doing in the second week of September to balance my body in preparation for the shift in seasons.
The only way that you’re gonna find out is if you’re following me and having fun with me. So, I would like to say if you have any thoughts about allergies, and or you say I don’t know what to do. Stay tuned.

Put your comments down below.

If you like this video, please share it like it. Give it to somebody that needs some help. So many people suffer from allergies and it doesn’t have to be this way. Remember, everything I’m going to be doing is teaching you how to get back to the basics, the basics of living properly.
Until next time, folks, Peace.



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Signs Your Body Needs Help

Signs Your Body Needs Help

What’s up everybody Patrick Lerouge from Evolve Restorative Therapy. I am your pain consultant. My job is to get you to understand that healing is natural once you focus on the basic routines that get you healthy. Today, I wanted to talk about the signs that your body needs help.

I want to use an opportunity that is happening in my house and teach you based on it. I have three kids, and sicknesses happen, My two-year-old daughter, Devin, has a pacifier that probably dropped on the floor. She put it in the mouth and caught a virus. That only give signs affects the mouth. After three days of care and watching, we went to the doctor to make sure it was not something worse. I tell everyone after three days of you doing something holistically, find out some more data. We found out that it was just the virus.


runs its course in about four days to five days, and it just swells the mouth and the tonsils and the vesicles inside the mouth. So Devin’s teeth were hurting. Her mouth is red and angry. So that happened a few days ago, now Layla is started to get ill, which then I knew what was going to happen to her. Angry mouth and gums for four days and everything is going to pass. But during those four days, the body’s going to do natural remedies
I want to show you how to notice the signs that your body needs help, or when it is becoming ill. This learning this skill comes in handy with kids, mainly cause they can’t really talk to you well.

What are the signs of the body (Disclaimer: So if you’re squeamish, maybe you should not be watching this.)

So with every child, there’s a vibrancy and energy in the face. When you first look at a child’s face, look for how vibrant it is, see how full the face is. Does the face projects energy out, Layla’s face is sinking in. This happens because her body is bringing energy inward and does not have enough to hold muscle tissue up well. So her eyes look falling back a little bit.

Notice the darkness around her eyes. Many people think that’s just signs of anemia. It’s not, it shows the vitality of the person, how strong the doing. So you can see the circles around the eyes, the, it’s not just about sleep, it shows how vital your body is. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul because it actually shows how healthy you are. The whiteness of the eyes shows a lot of your self as well.

The Tongue


Sticking your tongue out, notice how the textures and coating. Layla’s tongue has this white coating around it.
That’s a sign of the body actively trying to get toxins out. That’s why tongue scraped is a big thing, see the spotting that’s happening on the tongue, it looks like it’s a leopard. That’s a sign that the body’s really bringing up its fire or heat to kill the intruder. Lalya has been having waves of fever on and off. Her tonsils in the back are all inflamed and angry looking. Plus, a big white patch on her tongue with more sores by her tonsils.

Those are signs that the body needs help. Whether it’s bacterial or viral, the body is working on something. These signs happen whether you’re going through actual sickness or you’re overworked. It’s going to show you things in the face and the eyes. How vibrant is your energy that pops out of your face as well as your tongue. Your tongue is a big sign.

Here is minePatrick Lerouge

See how it’s pink all the way through as well as there’s not many deep lines or creases. Creases also tell you about your body, like how hydrated you are. In short, you want it to be nice and flush pinkish red, but not red hot. That is showing me to much heat in the body.

These signs tell you what’s going on in the body, whether it’s viral or bacterial. Your body still has to go through the same process. Body temperature shifts to kill whatever is there, making the environment inside your body unhealthy.

That is the basics.

Now, what are some simple things you can do when you have these signs?

You got to rinse your mouth to kill all the bacteria in your mouth. No sugar. Rule of thumb: avoid eating anything white. It is an inflammatory. It gives your body inflammatory responses, things like cheese, milk, white bread. I don’t want to say carbs all together because when your body’s going through this elevated state, it needs energy.

Once you start recognizing these signs, it becomes simple to get ahead of illness, because all you’re going to do bump up your routine for when you get ill, which is another routine altogether.

If you are looking for a morning routine that will wake you up and get you energized for your day. Get the free Routine I giving away.

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Here is Why It Is So Hard To Know How To Heal

Here is Why It Is So Hard To Know How To Heal

Patrick Lerouge and  I want to share why it is so hard to know how to heal. I’m here to give you tips on how to Heal rapidly by getting back to the basics. Today I want to talk about something that I teach my clients, the love triangle. This love triangle is why you’re can’t get out of pain. It keeps you stuck in the cycle, by telling so many different things and ways to get out of pain.  What’s worse is it’s happening and you probably don’t even realize that you are in the middle of it.


What is the love triangle


The love triangle is all about the three points of entry that go on inside your head that use to deal and fix your problem and pains. At the top of the triangle is our culture and the beliefs it gives us. In America, and what I’ve learned with a lot of my clients is they need things fast. It’s the instant gratification. We have trouble waiting for things. Things need to be as fast as possible. There is a demand for our activity to be hard works intense so we feel like we don’t have to do as much. Plus we need convenience, which is number two.


Patrick Lerouge www.livepainfreeprocess.com


So not only do we want things fast and we want things to be hard and heavy, but we also want to be convenient. That is our cultural thing. Everything is becoming so simple for us but our human body that needs stress to adapt and grow. Which the body doesn’t get as much and is beginning to show signs of dis-ease. So the taking advantage of the fact that we like the convenience and we need things fast our culture is selling us more of this and we are eating it up.


What this looks like is


We sit for hours so we must work harder in the gym, the choices that we pick is a HIT workout and now everything will be okay. It’s hard, it’s fast and it’s the new fad or another one is getting to go to Ketosis. Ketosis is a natural process that your body naturally goes through. Now if you add these beliefs in it looks like:  just get to ketosis and stay there, or the big one nowadays is intermediate fasting.
I’ve, I’m seeing some people go through 12 hours without eating and yet that is scientifically proven but it is not sustainable. Your body and your mind need food and it needs food throughout the day. The meals just need to be structured. Our culture is, Go bigger, go hard, and they stretch it out and they get results, but how long will that result last. That’s what’s gonna get you.


The medical world

The medical world is all about stabilizing and keeping you within the proper numbers. If you go to the Emergency room, all they are required to do is is stabilizing you. It is needed and at the time but that is it stabilizing you so you do not die. So they find things and they patch the holes, which is Uber necessary. I tell all my, I tell everybody that I’m holistic.


I do think holistic I use herbs, I use all these different natural things, but if I get into an accident, I’m going to say, bring me to the Er. Let’s stabilize this, let’s get this out. It works and it works amazingly, and I’m not saying it’s bad. What I am saying is they look at you as parts.


They look at your shoulder and see the shoulder joint is grinding, so let’s replace it. Or you have tendonitis in this shoulder, you just have to do a Bicep work and shoulder re re-education. Where they put you through different shoulder activities and they don’t look at the whole kinetic chain.


This way of thinking happens so often and so the norm that we get a worse mentality in our head.  The Mentality of I am broken and needs to be fixed. If you look at any commercial about any pain. it’s going to imply and give you the thought that you are broken and needs to be fixed it. That is not the truth, right But that is our medical world.


The Love Triangle Continues. Our Science


Science cured polio. They could also are different things by going down into the microscopic world and finding the one thing that works, and then say if we can change this one atom we can change the whole part and that would science is good for and it’s awesome. Don’t get me wrong, all three of them are necessary for all three of them are needed.


It’s just the love Triangle does not look at you as a whole and you don’t put yourself first in making decisions regarding the three. We allow them to pull us in many different directions and make us feel we do not know what is good for us. So that is going to be the biggest thing that I want you to really focus on. The love triangle is pulling you in three different directions and you are not putting yourself first and looking at who you are and using your culture, your medical society, your science for your advantage. You have to see who you are and that what works for you.


This is what I want you to do next time you have pain. Start Looking at what the love triangle. Don’t allow it to pull you in. Ask what does your culture say about doing about pain? Does say just use meds? Doesn’t say use only holistic remedies. In your cultural world, what is being said?  which will change in different pockets of people and different classes of people. Then, what is your medical society say? Are you all about just replacing your problem or looking to nurture yourself back in a sustainable way. And the last one is science. How is science dictating the medical world that tells you what the fad secret weapons will be?


That’s what I want you to think about with this tip?


if you liked this tip, please share it, and as if you really, really truly, really love me, give a comment down below. Tell me what’s up. Tell me what you think about this. This is one of my very first lessons to get people to stop just doing things. Tell me what you think? Write it down below and holla out me. And biggest thing is if you do not know, I have a Facebook group that I answered questions is if you have any questions, please go to my Facebook group, which is live pain-free and I will answer your questions there.

Until next time, peace


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Patrick Lerouge www.livepainfreeprocess.com