"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com
Live Pain Free Process 1 Percent Rule

Live Pain Free Process 1 Percent Rule

What’s up everybody, Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at www.livepainfreeprocess.com.  I’m the creator of the live pain-free process and I’m determined to get you to bring healing back to the basis. what we’re gonna be talking about today is my 1% Rule.

I Have been realizing that healing is thought about in a complicated way now and you are working much harder, all because of our love triangle you are in and don’t even know you are in. If you don’t know what the love triangle is, I’ll be doing a video about it soon.

What my 1% rule

My 1% rule gets my students to realize that everything that they do in their healthy life gives them a 1% bump in benefits.  You have to realize that there’s a consistent drain on your body that withdraws more from the body.

Everything is taxation on the nervous system. So that 1% bump compared to everything else in the world, especially if you’re in the organic world or staying in the natural world won’t amount to anything unless you are consistent. Which then that 1% bump will turn into something good because of the compounding effect. After seven to 14 days of consistent work, you start to compound that and stacking the benefits of what you are doing. In fact, the one percent will turn into2%, 2% will turn into 4%, four to eight, eight to 16, et Cetera, et cetera. The one percent becomes very powerful over time.

So, the 1% rule is all about how often you doing one thing and stacking that one thing over time. The simpler easy things that you do in that 1%, now you’re on the track to rapid healing. You no longer think of only doing one thing expecting great results,  you thing one to two%, stacking happens then two, four, to eight%. You will be starting to stack things in such a way where now you’re actually coming up with a bigger percentage and much bigger results.

 What I want you to think about

  1. All the things that you’re doing throughout your day that’s healthy

2. Are you doing consistently over a seven to 14-day spread.

That is the stuff that you’re going to be compounding, and that is the basics. The thing that you’re doing more often is going to create a habit around. For instance, a very good one that I hear a lot is, I the concept of cinnamon. They’re adding cinnamon. This is good to balance blood sugar levels.  So I see people adding cinnamon to an item once a while thinking “Oh, I’m going to have to take down my sugar intake so let me add some cinnamon to my oatmeal that I have today, but they don’t do it all the time. Because of all the extra sugar that you’re having throughout their day, one act of cinnamon will not make a dent in your levels or the way you feel.

Let’s get clear here:  if you do any action just once, you’ll feel good for a couple of hours, you might feel balance, you might even feel great, but then you go back into your habit. The habit of not having cinnamon to balance out the negative effects of sugar. If you make adding cinnamon to your everyday

Action step

Take track and look at all the things that you’re doing in a healthy way. See what you’re doing over a seven-day spread and that is your 1%. Think about the amount of the things that you’re going and doing consistently. Does that outweigh the things that you degrade your body?  Possibly not because you are in pain currently but with time and adding in more 1% things throughout your day.

1% things are relatively easy as a walk, going asleep on a good time, eating in appropriate times. All those things are 1% of tools that are common knowledge.  what you eat, how you eat it. Your meditation, your hobbies, how much you work out and how much rest you do. All these things I will be doing video tips on soon. I am going to be talking about them and getting you back into a basic way of thinking about your health.

Think about what you are doing consistently as a 1% gain. The biggest problem that I see that people do is they think one supplement is going to fix their issue. A surgery is going to fix them. A new fade extreme exercise routine is going to straighten them out. It never works because the action that you do is based around “I am broken” mentality and I need to be fixed. Your body is always adapting, always changing based upon the habit loop you have created. YOU ARE NOT BROKEN

If you like this, share it to somebody else that needs to know about the 1% rule because so many people are depending on one thing to fix it and it’s never that. Alright, so I will see you on the flip side. later.

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Climbed my Everest and it was surprisingly easy

Climbed my Everest and it was surprisingly easy

Now when it comes down to Thanksgiving and being thankful, I would like to say I am thankful for all of my clients that trust me with to walk with them through their journey to a better version of themselves. Their journeys and stories like this need to be heard and cherished. They give others the power to change their lives and realize it’s much easier than they would ever imagine. So, I say thank you to everyone that is allowing me to help them with their journey.

Sara cooked Thanksgiving turkey, and it is a big deal. A REALLY big deal!

She wrote me this email only two weeks into the master class. I’m so proud of her and I wanted to share her story because it’s such a powerful one that can easily be swept underneath the rug as small.

Two weeks into taking the class (and a year plus of working with Patrick regularly), I cooked my first turkey!”

For many people, this might not seem like a big deal – but for me it was. My husband and I have hosted Thanksgiving for over a decade. Over the years, our attendee list has grown from 10 people to up to 24 some years. We always make all the staples: stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and the “important” pies. But never the turkey. Cooking the turkey was just something I felt sure I could NOT do. And years of avoiding it only strengthened that belief.

Two years ago, the catered bird was salty and undercooked. I swore that the next year, I would make the turkey. Last year, I geared up to do it! But in the end, I let sick kids and work demands be my excuse at the ninth hour to not follow through.

This year, a good friend offered to help me cook the turkey. A few weeks ago though, I started to panic and talk myself out of doing it .. again. When I told my friend I couldn’t do it, she urged me to still do a small “trial” turkey our Friendsgiving.

“If it is really stressful or it doesn’t come out great or you just don’t want o do it again, then you can cater the real one.”

I had one moment where I heard myself trying to talk myself out of doing the test turkey – but I ignored myself. I was a little surprised to hear myself actually order the turkey.

And then, I just did it. With my friend’s step-by-step instruction: I did it! I cooked a turkey!!!! And I even deviated a bit from her recipe/directions.

I am not super shocked that it came out pretty good. (I am a decent cook.) But I was surprised that not only did I actually DO it — climb my Everest and face my fears — but I didn’t obsess about it beforehand. I just put one foot in front of the other, and did the thing I was so sure … for so long .. I could not. AND IT WASN’T EVEN HARD! Because the hardest part is overcoming my own compelling argument for why I can’t accomplish something. But this time – with this thing I spent a decade telling myself I was incapable of doing – I didn’t talk myself out of it.

I picked up an even bigger turkey tonight – the real one – to feed 20 people vs. 8. I feel a little apprehension. But mostly I feel confident: obviously, I can cook a turkey. I have done it before – and it wasn’t that hard.

And I have Patrick and Dottie (and my good friend Jodi who helped me!) to thank for this victorious story:)”

She sent me this picture that moved and touched my heart last night. With the words we did it!!

I wish everyone would Be able to chase down their Everest and be proud of climbing it. To top it off once you do it you will notice it is easy. Look truth is, once you get a handle on the smaller things that are holding you back. like the beliefs. Life becomes blissful because you are not holding onto so much, this leaves more room to love and have fun. 

Great work Sara and can not wait to hear the next big win for you.

“Be Easy On Yourself” – Key To Learning To Heal

“Be Easy On Yourself” – Key To Learning To Heal

I did a Facebook live video a couple of days ago that I think you should watch if you are beginning and confused about the process of healing.

Most people don’t even realize that there is a learning cycle.

Learning how to be easy on yourself while going through the learning curve is key. I explain how learning how to heal does not happen in the moment of pain.

It needs to happen throughout your life in places where you can learn how to be easy on yourself and see how you will get better with every challenge you give yourself.

Be Easy On Yourself

This statement is only one of the many points you need to learn to stay in a healing state. I teach clients to look at their entire lives as a challenge, a journey where events happen and all you have to do is adjust based on the last event.

In the video, you can see the project I have been working on for two years.


My house has been one of my biggest accomplishments and I have been working on it since I moved in. Clients are always seeing the evolution – kind of like a butterfly.

I take this concept of ” be easy on yourself ” to heart here. You’ll get to see the first walI I ever built with pride and joy, I explain how it is not perfect. just to show you the next wall built months later, with marked improvement. It’s been a work in progress that I finished last week!

As you can see there is a world of difference between the walls. I have learned how to challenge myself and not take it so seriously. I saw my imperfects and worked on it. The next time I came up with another similar challenge I handled it better. That’s all you should ever ask of yourself…



When was the last time you challenge yourself outside your comfort zone?

How can this apply to you being gentle with yourself?

The next time you are in pain calm yourself by remembering you are not perfect and you don’t have to be perfect to get out of pain.

Next week we will be getting back to the mini-series on Healing made easy because you are clear on your starting point. If you have not looked at it please go back to it here:



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Can’t wait to read your thoughts in the comments and as always thanks for watching!


(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

Please sign up for weekly inspiration and more great tips to live and move pain-free and create the life you love,

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How To Condition A Proper Breathing Habit

How To Condition A Proper Breathing Habit

Today’s video mini-series is “How to condition a proper breathing habit”.

When people think about breathing routines, it is an exercise to calm themselves. Rarely do they ponder the pattern of breathing. This video shows you how to condition yourself by focusing on breathing out not taking a breath in. Making that a focal point gets you to change how you breath daily, creating a habit that continuously diminishes stress rather than allowing it to accumulate.

How to condition a proper breathing habitcondition a proper breathing habit

The main thing that you need to do to retrain your breathing habit is change your focal point. Focusing on the blowing out rather than taking the big deep breath in. Doing this will retrain the daily habit of breathing. We use breathing exercises as a way to de-stress, not realizing stress is an all day affair.

Doing this style of breathing daily throughout the day as an exercise will condition the muscles and timing of how you breathe. The true beauty happens when, a few weeks down the line, you become aware that you are breathing like this without trying: that is when the habit has set in. Give this some time and consistent practice. In the video I have a slight focus on the verbiage I use with my kids to get them to do this, so be aware of how you speak to yourself while doing the exercise.

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Can’t wait to read your thoughts in the comments and as always thanks for watching!


(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

Please sign up for weekly inspiration and more great tips to live and move pain-free and create the life you love,

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