Blowing air out of your body is critical to how your brain functions.
Think of this as the yin and yang of the body, for every muscle, there is a counterbalancing muscle. Each muscle corresponds with the brain in a certain spot. In this case the fight or flight part or the rest and relaxation part.
By doing diaphragmic breathing and you focus on your diaphragm to take in the air, you feed the fight or flight system.
By focusing on the transverse abdominals and blowing your air out you feed the rest and relax.
Focusing on blowing your air out
Feeds the part of the brain that holds the rest and relaxation part of your nervous system. This is important for continuing to stay calm after your breathing exercise is over and you continue on with your day.
All breathing exercises work because of the yin and yang aspect of the art of breathing. you need to use your Transverse abdominals to blow your air out, so you are always using it in some way shape or form.
If you are one of the lucky few that have been practicing breathing for relaxation it will be easier for you to switch your focus to blowing air out rather then allowing air in.
If you are just joining us for this mini-series please take a look at the previous video to see where we are making our first mistake. OUR STARTING POINT
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Can’t wait to read your thoughts in the comments and as always thanks for watching!
Learning to balance your mind and your body is tricky because our starting point is slightly off. We start getting some results and then things seem to stall out. And, we can’t figure out why that happened.
Today I will be simplifying balancing the mind and body based on a better starting point. By connecting the muscular system to the brain because when you move specific sets of muscles your brain changes its chemistry.
The starting point of any project and or experiment you are conducting is important to tracking and progress. What we all need to refocus on is our life as our great experiment. Reaching our full potential is the goal, the actions you take are the journey.
If you did not watch the first video about the importance of realigning your starting point with where you’re currently at, please watch it here.
Balance Your Mind And Body
The way I simplify this is by giving you a general idea of how the mind and body work. Not a direct actual way it works, but it will help you get the general big-picture point.
image from
The image above explains what I mean. Your fight and flight actions have many parts. In this example, it is the grey area and the green is your higher thinking. The two shades of blue are your motor functions or the movement part of your brain. Think of that as the connection between the two. you need energy there to allow them to balance out and talk to each other.
This is important because most of us don’t move enough and when we do we do most of our action is with the front part of our muscles.
The muscles associated with the back part of the brain, causing us to be mostly in the fight or flight place, start a spiral of limiting actions we do not want.
Balancing the mind and body takes using the other subset of muscle to balance us chemically in our brain. This gives us a more balanced emotional state, a mental state that is quick and clear and what’s more important, you show up as a whole individual.
We all feel that we all are falling apart. It is a common occurrence to stay the course and continue to have pain that keeps popping up or keep not getting the results you want when it comes to a health care plan.
There comes a point in readjusting your plan when you must look at your starting point and see if that is correct. In the case of the human body and how we address our ailments, I believe we’ve gone slightly off target. And, this is why we keep falling apart.
Your starting point to any project or experiment is critical to long-term change in a positive way. In this case, we are working with making our bodies work more efficiently. And, for many, we have had a single starting point all our lives that has never been examined or tweaked.
Our starting point is the cause of us feeling like we are falling apart
Everything looks normal to me right? Nope, I realize now that no one’s body will ever be this perfect. Yet, we are are shooting for it because we have seen it forever. The old days of learning showed a different image to learn from.
In this image, I see a body I see all the time – unbalanced and showing the natural curves and adaptions of the body. This is normal and this is what we need to start from.
In the series, I will take apart why we are falling apart from a new perspective of normal:a body that is adaptable and will change all the time. Our constant in healing the human body is the fact we changed the world in a predictable manner.
Here’s the final segment of living the beach life. I’m going to show you how I manage my three kids once they fall asleep because of all the water play and digging in our big hole.
But first I have to say, Michelle and I have been at this for a while and we’ve had to buy a few things to make it work. Normally I don’t show you things you need to buy, but in this case, a proper chair and a tent that you can put sleeping kids in are all key things to living life with kids on the beach 🙂
From this point on, you have prepped your day on the beach beautifully! You have figured out why you are there and how you really check out. You’ve set up some earthing games that get your kids to play in the water and learn about the world, in two ways. If you haven’t watched the previous videos please watch them here
Relaxing is what we all want to do, and if you do this right, then you can, from playtime to your seated time. Having my kids fall asleep on me is one of the best experiences ever.
The kicker is the chair I have, its called a high boy because my hips and legs are higher off the beach this gives my body a better position to be in. Once my child falls asleep I put her in a guarded tent, all while I sit and drink my lovely beverage. This is how we live our life with kids.
Here’s just one more reason to have a big hole for your kids to play in: so you can relax in your comfy-not-so-comfy beach chair.
Living the beach life can be stressful if you allow it. That is why I am going to share one more benefit to having a big hole on the beach. This takes some planning and some sweat to do, but the results pay off. Having three kids I need all the time and space alone I can create for myself. To create this get creative and think ahead. If I simply allowed things to just happen, I would be chasing kids all day long.
In the previous video, I spoke about the big hole on the beach, but close to the water, so you can find sea life. This hole has a lot to do with when the parent (aka me) wants to sit more and needs the kids to be close and safe.
Get Out There Before Them
By getting out slightly earlier than the family, I get to set the stage and create a narrative the kids will finish.
I dig the big hole on the beach and start putting castle blocks up. When I start to get tired of running after kids and water play, I go to the upper big hole on the beach by the chairs and start building a castle with them. THEY will need to finish the castle wall and add whatever else they feel needs to be added to make it dope 🙂
my girls building the stairs for the big hole on the beach