"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

When Movement Is A Bad Thing

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I am an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process; I create innovative ways for you to learn how to heal. Now, today is going to be a setback one. We’re going to actually talk about when it is time to actually move away from free movement in the concept of your shoes. The concept of free movement is the ability to move freely inside of your shoes. There is not much stability to your shoes, so your muscles need to support you. There’s a big free movement fad out there in the world, like wearing Vibrams or bare foot running etc. I am currently wearing minimuses.

In the New Balance sneaker called “minimusus,” free movement is a must; I can move in any different direction, and nothing really stops me inside the shoe, which means my foot muscles have to be really functional in order to support the rest of my body. Your feet are your first foundation. If your feet are not right and functional, everything up the chain is going to have a hard time working, so “When is it time to move from a freebase shoe to more of a structured shoe?” is the question. A freebase shoe is something that can move all the way around. I also have Nike Frees. They also move in many different directions, and they’re able to do anything and pretty much everything. There’s a minimal shoe drop to it as well as movement in the middle of the shoe where a majority of other shoes have a bar or a post in the middle stopping the twist that can occur. Another type of shoe is a completely structured shoe that has no twisting or movement to it.

When is it time to actually go from a freebase shoe to a structured shoe? If your body cannot support the weight load that it needs to do — and it’s actually giving you more pain — it’s time to move out. You need to find a more structured shoe, but not a completely locked in shoe because that stalls everything. You want to find something a little bit up the chain. For instance, I was walking around my house, and I stubbed my ring finger toe to the point where I couldn’t bend it up at all, and I realized two weeks into me walking around consistently that my foot still hurt and I did not know why. I’ve been doing all my stretches. I’ve been doing all my ball work, why is it not working like I asked? Why are my intrinsic muscles not functional?

Then I realized I’m still in my free shoe, and I do a ton of walking. My walking outweighed my restorative work. As I was walking, I consistently started using the area that was falling apart in the first place and trying to heal. I started to wear, in the midst of summer, a little bit more of a dress shoe, and I realized, within a week that it was starting to feel better. It took two weeks before I could get back into my actual shoes because I waited so long.

You have to learn that it takes time for tissue to heal. It’s biology; I can’t say it enough. It takes time. It took me a while to ruin that toe, and it took some time to put it back together because I got away from something that’s so-called “good for you.” It’s time to take a step back and relax. That’s it. You have to learn how to step back, relax for a second, and let your body do what your body can do. Hopefully, this helps you understand what’s going on with other areas of your body like your shoulder and why a shoulder doesn’t get better or your knee and why your knee is not getting any better. It’s because you’re using it way more than it has the capacity to be used. You have to just structure it out a little bit, give it a little break, and still do what you’ve got to do, but give it a little bit of a break.

Hopefully, this helps. If not, please, hit me up. I’ll explain in a different way. If you have any questions, keep it coming. I’m loving it. Until next time, folks, bye.


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A Natural, Easy Way That You Can Open Your Hip Flexor


What’s up, everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at LivePainFreeProcess.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free process. I’m going to be showing you innovative ways to learn how to heal when we’re outdoors. Last week we talked about the eccentric load within the calf. This week, I want to show you a natural, easy way that you can open your hip flexor.

I decided to do it outside because I want to show you how easy it is for you to do it anywhere and everywhere. First you must understand that we are broken down into foundations, first foundation being your feet, second foundation being your hips, and then your shoulder girdle glide. Those three foundations need to be able to open and close easily. Where the trouble lies is that we sit all the time, so our hip flexors are always tight, which then tightens up our back and ruins everything.

That means we’re either going to have these short, choppy steps all the time, or you see people hunched over when they walk. It never truly opens because we have more of a 6 cycle down, so every chance you get, I want you to start learning how to open your knee.

A year back, I talked about how the big toe plays a role in how you move. Earlier this year, I spoke more about that walking pattern and being able to open up that hip flexor by allowing more backward momentum with that foot. I’m going to keep on rolling with that and show you a stretch that gets you to open up your hip. What you have to do is get down on a knee as if you were to propose. Open up that stance by bringing other foot out in front of you. Once you open up that stance, your hip flexor is going to naturally open. A lot of people can end here. The next step is now to be nice and tall, navel in, tighten up the glute on same side. This glute will start to open up the hip. That’s one place that you can stop after you’re able to feel the stretch in the hip flexor region.

One step further is to open up the entire hip; your hip flexor runs through your hip and attaches to the inside of your back. That’s why it is such a key component to your eliminating back pain. You access that by raising your arm up. The same leg that’s down, raise that arm up and reach as far as you can, with the glute still contracted. Reach all the way up. The stretch is going to work its way up from your hip to your belly. Then look up, and reach with the armpit, and take the armpit slightly higher rotating slightly twisting behind yourself. You have to keep everything nice and tight, keeping core and your glute contracted and your hip flexor open, now pulling in and then roll it out, which now opens up the whole entire chain.

That is where the sweet spot is because that’s now accessing everything. It’s accessing all of your hip flexors, some of your oblique muscles, and some of your abdominals; the majority of your core starts to open up, and that’s how you get muscle tissue to contract and expand. Contract and expand; that’s where the power comes in. Folks, your hip flexor, your second foundation, is huge. Get that to open in many different ways. Watch the way that you walk , and if you didn’t watch the first one, please go back, find it, and add this in every time you see a grassy spot and you have a second, just take a knee. It’s really that simple. It takes 4 seconds to do. With a couple breaths, you’re good to go.



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A Safe Extreme Is Necessary

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here, and you can find me at LivePainFreeProcess.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process. I’ve been creating innovative ways to heal all based off of learning how to focus inward. Once you learn how to focus inward, anything is possible. That’s what I want to talk to you about today: how we make changes stick or how we get our bodies to change, whether you want to lose weight, get stronger, or condition yourself to be able to run a marathon. What you must do in order to get your body to change and hold that change in a sustainable way is safely get your body to go to extremes and then make that extreme consistent. You have to build an environment that’s safe for your body to be at an extreme. When we’re talking about cardio and getting your heart rate to up in the level for burning fat for instance, you have to slowly build that extreme. If you follow heart rates, and your max heart rate is 150, you want to stay at the 140 zone for a little while and until it becomes consistent. Then once you move up to that new extreme, your body has to change. It is the new normal.

The reason why is because, “the body does not want to effort for long. If it works hard long enough, it will rebalance itself to work more efficiently; for instance, it will speed up your metabolism to lose weight, to have a body that lighter to move, or to become more flexible. It will do whatever it needs to do in order to hold that new norm. You have to learn to push yourself to an extreme in a safe way. I can’t say that enough. You have to start pushing yourself, pushing yourself, pushing yourself. However, you don’t want to challenge yourself so much that you’re throwing up or passing out like in some extreme boot camps.

It gets you some extreme results, yes, but at what cost? What are these boot camps risking? I’ve also seen people do track workouts and swimming workouts where they just pass out at the end, and these are pretty extreme. I understand you have to put it all out there. Do it in a safe, consistent way. Your body will think that’s the new norm. You will never think about working hard ever again once it starts making that new norm a habit because you’ve pushed yourself safely to that extreme.

Safely go to your extreme, and things will change. Your body will start thinking that this new way of living is normal. Once you start doing that, things will start coming to you more naturally, easily, and quickly. You’ll get stronger faster. You’ll be able to jump higher. You’ll be able to sustain an injury and heal faster because now your body has a strong habit to get back to, so healing needs to be fast. It’s all about learning how to push yourself safely to an extreme. Hopefully, this worked out for you. Please, push yourself. Challenge yourself, but in a safe way. Until next time, bye.

Are you holding yourself Accountable

What’s up, Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at LivePainFree Process.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process. I’ve been creating innovative ways of healing all based off of learning how to focus inward. You just have to learn how to focus inward in order to be able to do anything and everything, especially healing, rapidly, efficiently, and a sustainable. Last week, we spoke about the concept of where you would live if you didn’t take care of yourself. This week I’m going to give you the Action Step. Once you realize, you will want to do better. I want to ask you this one question, or maybe it’s something more like a thought. It’s called accountability. Are you holding yourself accountable to your body? This is something that can shift everything. The more you take on that role and own it, things have to change. For example, I’m a business owner, and if I don’t hold myself accountable for my business or my life, I would never go anywhere. I would hide behind excuses like the economy’s down, people don’t want to get treatments, people are stubborn, they want to be in pain, it’s too expensive, etc.

By being accountable, many different excuses will come up, and instead of hiding behind them, I’m going to say, “You know what, this is what’s happening and own it. These are the things I can do to change it; let me go do it.” That’s what I have to do consistently to make my business excel, to make my therapy go big! It can and it will. You just have to keep working at it. Put that concept into the concept of your body. Are you saying to yourself, “Oh, man, I hurt myself. Oh, man, it was that curb. I should’ve never jumped off that curb. Should’ve never played with my kid for that long. I should’ve never laid down on that bed when I went on vacation” rather than saying “You know what, this just happened?”  What needs to happen is for you to recognize what happened and own it. Then, ask what you can do to make it better?  Follow that by saying you can do this, and then go do it, but here’s the problem.

This is why we never do it; you have to change your mind set in a big way.  It’s a concept of you wanting to learn how to fix it. You have to learn how to see the problem. Find a solution for it, and then struggle with that solution until you master it. So many people say, “Yeah, yeah, I have this back issue, and recognize it; I know what I have to do,” but then they never do it because they never have that thought process or the need to push themselves. What’s worse is when you have to find a solution within yourself. A back issue might be as easy as “I have to go do hip presses, turn on my gluts, and turn on my transverse abdominal.”

What you don’t realize is that it has to be a struggle. You’re going to struggle with the things that are going to make you better, and that struggle is what’s going to get you to the mastery. That little phase right there is where everyone falls apart; they don’t push hard, and they don’t look for the solutions to make the struggle sustainable so they can actually get it. It needs to be built into a habit. That’s all this is. Your body’s deteriorating because you built up a certain amounts of habits that are giving you a downward spiral into pain. That’s it!

You have to start really holding yourself accountable to how you’re dealing with yourself and ask yourself the three things. What’s truly happening? What can I do to make it better? Do it. And the big, overarching everything is that you’re going to have to struggle to master whatever you have to do to make yourself better. If it’s not a struggle, it’s not going to be worthwhile for the long term.

That’s it. That’s what you have to do: hold yourself accountable to your body. Folks, if you liked it, share it! If you need to hear this and you know other people that need to hear it, please do that. Do me that favor. I love it. And keep on asking these questions, I love it, I love it, I love it. So, folks, until next time. Bye!

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If you did not take care of your body…

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process. I create innovative ways to heal that are all based off of learning how to focus inward. You use that inward focus to heal rapidly and effectively and in a sustainable way. That’s what I’m all about, and that’s what we’re going to be working with. Today we’re going to be talking about a lovely question that dropped into my head and stopped me dead in my tracks. If you know me, I do a lot of movement meditation, and I’m do a lot of stuff while doing a lot of my walking. I was walking along, and this question dawned on me: Where would you live if you did not take care of your body?  At first, I shrugged it off and giggled about it, and then it came again. “No really. If you don’t take care of your body, where would you live?” It stopped me, and I answered the question. I would be dead, I wouldn’t be able to live at all, and I wouldn’t be able to do anything I loved. The question goes a lot deeper. What is the quality of taking care of yourself? Am I doing myself a disservice even though I’m doing all the great restorative activities? Could I be doing it better? Can I be doing it more efficiently? In what category do you consider yourself in good care?

Are you doing it in a way that your body’s responding to it and saying, “Yes. This is good, I’m safe,” or it could say, “I want a little bit more. You can do better than that.” The people that are not doing it enough are deteriorating faster and faster and their bodies are craving for a little bit more. There’s always a little bit more. It never ends, but that’s the fun. The more effort you put into it, the more your body’s going to give to you. It’s going to want to explore, it’s going to want to expand, and that is a win-win. Ask yourself that question, and if it doesn’t stop you in your tracks, you are not giving it the power it deserves. If you did not take care of your body, where would you live? For the people that are taking care of themselves, is it enough? Could you be doing better? You can, and there’s always a “can.” If you think you’re at the top of your game, you’re wrong, and you’re just lying to yourself.

So, think about it. Put it in your heart. Stop journaling about it or writing about it. Better yet, write your comments down below and say, “This is what I got from that. I’m going to start doing this. I’m going to start doing that.” I want you to really comment. Comment and say, “Pat, this was a big one,” because this is a big one. “This made me think about…” I want you guys to put it all down below. Comment on it. Until next time, folks, bye.


In Pain Right Now? Here Is What You Do


What’s up? Patrick LeRouge here. I am an intuitive healing expert and the creator of The Live Pain-Free Process. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body; you just need to learn how to use that connectivity to eliminate pain quickly and effectively. A couple weeks ago, I talked about why it’s so hard to do your own self-care, and someone asked me, “What do you do when you’re actually in pain?” And I realize, I talk about pain a lot, but I don’t really talk about what to do when you’re exactly in it. So, what do you do when you’re in pain? If you trip or fall, number one, stay on the floor. Have a laugh about yourself or whatever the case may be. Stay on the floor because the majority of really, really bad issues that creep up secondarily without you even knowing is from when you fall and then try to pop yourself back up too fast. That’s when those secondary things sort of shred, but because you have a contusion or whatever the case may be, your body’s going to show you that first and then all those other things that go unknown. That’s why when people get into car accidents, and they say, “Oh. I feel good,” because they’re in shock and not feeling much because of what just happened. But a day or two later, they’re saying “Oh, man. What happened? What is this?” And there goes all those secondary things. So the best thing that you can do is stay right there when you fall; lay there for a second and just say, “Wow. I just fell.” Once you get your fight or flight mechanism has calmed down, then you’ll start to notice any areas that may be in pain. This might take five or six minutes, depending on the fall. That’s the number one thing you want to do.


Now, what happens if it’s not a fall or if you’re just in pain? Like if you have an elbow pain or a shoulder pain? This is what I want you to do. You have to, number one, calm your fight or flight response; this must be done before your body is ever going to let you do anything else. You have to get that to calm down. So, first things first, I want you to hold the area. Think about when you were a kid, and you fell, what did your parents do? They didn’t know anything about self-care per se, but it’s hardwired in the human system to hold it. We rub our kids painful areas and say, “Oh my gosh,” and we kissed it. We gave it a different touch. That’s just instinct. It’s in your body. I want you to really focus on that.


So let’s take the elbow pain or a knee pain. What you can do is just hold the knee. Just hold it and say, “Oh, my gosh it hurts.” Then start to look for what your hands feel like on top of your knee, which then starts to mask the pain receptors and starts to work better than then pain sensation you’re getting. You’re always going to reach for a nice, loving touch as opposed to a very abrasive touch. That’s just what happens inside the body. I want you to feel that knee and feel what your hands feel like on it. For example, I could put my hand above my other hand on my knee. I would ask myself what my hands feels like going into the knee.  Now that you are feeling, this turns off your brain, your logical fight or flight mechanism. Your brain rationalizes, and you feeling it turns off the rationalization. Now that you’re feeling it, it naturally calms down. Once it calms down, that’s when you do something, whether it be foam rolling, trigger points, stretching, active release, ART, or any other techniques. All those different techniques will not be as effective (or effective at all)with the fight or flight mechanisms on. If you’re in pain, you have to calm that bad boy down as much as humanly possible. Now, touching your knee and holding your knee, it might take a good five minutes. It might take that time, but it needs that time. Especially on the fall, and especially with the shock.


If you’re in pain right now, that’s what you do; you hold it, hold it, hold it, and just wait until it calms down, and you breathe, you breathe, you breathe. It might take a minute, or it might take five, but wait until your body says go, and then you do something. You’ll see how fast your body will respond. So folks if you need something, reach out to me, tell me what’s up, and I’ll help you guys out. Until next time!


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