"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

What’s up, Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at LivePainFree Process.com. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of the Live Pain Free Process. I’ve been creating innovative ways of healing all based off of learning how to focus inward. You just have to learn how to focus inward in order to be able to do anything and everything, especially healing, rapidly, efficiently, and a sustainable. Last week, we spoke about the concept of where you would live if you didn’t take care of yourself. This week I’m going to give you the Action Step. Once you realize, you will want to do better. I want to ask you this one question, or maybe it’s something more like a thought. It’s called accountability. Are you holding yourself accountable to your body? This is something that can shift everything. The more you take on that role and own it, things have to change. For example, I’m a business owner, and if I don’t hold myself accountable for my business or my life, I would never go anywhere. I would hide behind excuses like the economy’s down, people don’t want to get treatments, people are stubborn, they want to be in pain, it’s too expensive, etc.

By being accountable, many different excuses will come up, and instead of hiding behind them, I’m going to say, “You know what, this is what’s happening and own it. These are the things I can do to change it; let me go do it.” That’s what I have to do consistently to make my business excel, to make my therapy go big! It can and it will. You just have to keep working at it. Put that concept into the concept of your body. Are you saying to yourself, “Oh, man, I hurt myself. Oh, man, it was that curb. I should’ve never jumped off that curb. Should’ve never played with my kid for that long. I should’ve never laid down on that bed when I went on vacation” rather than saying “You know what, this just happened?”  What needs to happen is for you to recognize what happened and own it. Then, ask what you can do to make it better?  Follow that by saying you can do this, and then go do it, but here’s the problem.

This is why we never do it; you have to change your mind set in a big way.  It’s a concept of you wanting to learn how to fix it. You have to learn how to see the problem. Find a solution for it, and then struggle with that solution until you master it. So many people say, “Yeah, yeah, I have this back issue, and recognize it; I know what I have to do,” but then they never do it because they never have that thought process or the need to push themselves. What’s worse is when you have to find a solution within yourself. A back issue might be as easy as “I have to go do hip presses, turn on my gluts, and turn on my transverse abdominal.”

What you don’t realize is that it has to be a struggle. You’re going to struggle with the things that are going to make you better, and that struggle is what’s going to get you to the mastery. That little phase right there is where everyone falls apart; they don’t push hard, and they don’t look for the solutions to make the struggle sustainable so they can actually get it. It needs to be built into a habit. That’s all this is. Your body’s deteriorating because you built up a certain amounts of habits that are giving you a downward spiral into pain. That’s it!

You have to start really holding yourself accountable to how you’re dealing with yourself and ask yourself the three things. What’s truly happening? What can I do to make it better? Do it. And the big, overarching everything is that you’re going to have to struggle to master whatever you have to do to make yourself better. If it’s not a struggle, it’s not going to be worthwhile for the long term.

That’s it. That’s what you have to do: hold yourself accountable to your body. Folks, if you liked it, share it! If you need to hear this and you know other people that need to hear it, please do that. Do me that favor. I love it. And keep on asking these questions, I love it, I love it, I love it. So, folks, until next time. Bye!

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