"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

One thing you can do get your self-care habit to stick


What’s up everybody? Patrick Lerouge here. I’m an intuitive healing expert and the creator of “The Live Pain Free Process.” I help people understand that everything is connected in the body. You have to learn how to use that connectivity to eliminate pain quickly and effectively. Today, we’re going to be talking about one strategy that you can do to make your self-care habit into a habit. It’s an exercise that I do with students that come in for the first time who are having a hard time looking at the bigger picture and seeing that it’s not all about me doing the body work.

The exercise is this: I want you to now sit down and think 20 years out. I want you to think about what physical habits that you want to have 20 years from now. Do you still want to be taking long walks with your significant other? Do you want to be able to go to the gym? Do you still want to be able to go swimming, biking, or running in any way, shape, or form? It doesn’t have to be competitive; it’s just doing for your liking. Do you want to be upright, or do you want to be in a chair all the time? Having a hard time getting in and out of the car because your knees are bad? Make a clear image in your head, and see what that is. What do you truly want? Once you start seeing your vision for the future, interact with it, like, “I want to be able to play with the old folk in the old folks’ world, or I want to be in league where I still have kids, and I’m doing open gym. I want to be able to coach my son’s sports team and actually be able to show them how to bat. I want to properly do things without worrying about my body hurting afterwards. I want to play in a league of some sort in some way, shape, or form.”  You have to want this and be able to see it clearly; then you have to feel what that feels like. It is like a movie playing in your head; see everything that can happen. “Oh, my body aches and pains from the all the activities, but “I can go to my therapist to clean this up.” Or “I can clean it up myself.” An even bigger thought could be, “I won’t have any aches and pains because that’s what I see.” Once you realize this, your body will attempt to make it a reality.

For that future to exist is there are all the little things you need to do now. Once you start doing those small tasks consistently, you are on a good path, so in order for that to happen, I’m going to have to do some body work done here, I’m going to start doing some soaks, eating better, and other small, different things that are not hard now, but with time have a huge impact. Once you regress the future back to now, the how will show up because you will be looking at what is happening now with the end game in mind. So now, you just have to start getting the “Whys” or the end game flushed out.

Let’s recap: We just looked a clear image of your future, so you can find out why you’re doing everything now. Yes there will be some bumps in the road, but then it’s similar to learning how to fall and roll. I have to start learning how to get back up after an injury, so I have to start learning how to stretch, foam roll, and trigger point work my body.” Those are just three of the many things that you’re going to do in the world of self-care.

You have to start understanding why you’re doing it. Once you have that, there goes your one huge piece of the puzzle. You have the “why.” It’s all about the “why.” Once you have the “why,” the “how” always finds its way out. It’s just like, “20 years from now, I want to be able to do this, this, this, and this.” The clearer the vision, the clearer the thought in your mental image maker here — once you get that, that’s when everything changes. And hopefully you actually do it. What I’m talking about, it works. As soon as you sit well with what you’re looking to do as if it can be a reality, I guarantee that you’ll make it there.


Okay, folks? If this helped, please, share it. If you know someone who needs to hear it, give it to them. If you’re not part of the evolve family, please, come over, and ask some questions. I love them! Until next time, folks. Bye.



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