"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com



What’s up everybody? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people understand that everything is connected in the body, and we’re going to use that connectivity to eliminate pain quickly for the long term. In order to do that, you have to understand the balance between the mental, physical, and emotional parts of your body. I get many variations of the question “How am I doing this? What am I doing to stay pain free?  What was my thinking process in doing all of this?” I get these questions a lot, and I love answering them.  Therefore, today is almost like an interview on me.  I want you to realize that what I’ve done and what I’m doing consistently is in line with one real big principle: balance. It’s all about getting your body to balance itself out. If you stop thinking of a quick tool that you can use and start saying, “How can I balance things out?” you’ll start to blend different things. I just really, really started to put it out there in the world that restorative therapy is going to be big because it balances and blends the worlds of Western and Eastern medicines. It blends everything, and we’re right in the middle. It’s not black and white where you have to do one thing or another. This is the world we live in, and there are these two philosophies here that we can use. One nurtures. One fixes things. One manipulates things, and one gets you to see the intricacies. Once you merge them together, there will be results due to the universal principal of cause and effect. Once you start looking at what you’re doing, it’s going to change something. Once you look at that, we’ll change the next thing, and so on.

All I do to stay pain free is focus on the starting point. Let’s say you want to start foam rolling. All you have to do is focus on the first action step toward foam rolling and then be present consistently throughout. For instance, if you say, “I will foam roll at noon,” as long as you are present at noon, you will foam roll. The proper response to your first time foam rolling will more than likely be, “Ah, I hate it. I don’t want to do it.” After a while, you’re going to see a difference in that feeling, and the new saying will sound something like, “Oh I feel better after I am done.” Then you will begin to put it together and say, “Oh wait, I’m starting to not feel good again. Let’s do my foam rolling because it makes me feel better.” As long as you stay present and don’t get bogged with thoughts of, “I have to do this or else,”  everything will progress.”  Or you will start falling apart because you’re no longer present with what counts: you. So to answer the question, “What do I do,” I focus on the laws and principles that the university is constructed by cause and effect. You don’t have to know everything that I know to be pain free. You just have to start realizing what you’re doing and notice the changes your body goes through as you add in things from the Eastern world and the Western world, such as personal training, acupuncture, and herbs.


That’s when things really start to change for the better or for the worst. Sometimes, you might start adding in things, and your body might feel like not so great for a little while. This is because it’s trying to re-balance itself. For instance, everyone talks about cleanses, but if you do a specific cleanse that gets your body to make a big jump, it’s going to eliminate all sorts of toxins. How do you think your toxins are going to get out? Your body has to drop its outward energy level to now deal with the inward issue. When that energy level is down, you’re not going to feel so good, but you have to understand that’s what’s going to happen. After you don’t feel so hot, you will feel amazing.  Understand that once you do something, cause and effect will happen no matter what. Be present and own it.


Own whatever you get because you’re in control of that;  you did this by yourself.  And once you start owning the cause and effect habit, that is where the big difference is made; I made that my habit. Not foam rolling, not finding trigger points, not stretching, not anything else — cause and effect. You have to do that same thing. And once you do that, something’s going to change. The majority of time, owning it and doing it is going to be for the better. It might not be the greatest thing upfront, but when you come out of it, it’s going to be good. So, starting that cleanse, starting that new diet, starting that new workout routine, starting that new movement pattern or concept, and starting new stretching, all these different things might not feel great at first because it’s not your norm, but as your body starts to balance out, it will; you just have to be patient and give it time to do so.


Once that happens, you’ll come out and feel that much better. You just have to stick with it.

Until the next time, bye.


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