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The Smarter Way to Success with Strong Glutes

The Smarter Way to Success with Strong Glutes

The Smarter Way to Success with Strong Glutes

patrick lerouge

Today, I’m speaking directly to you, the dedicated triathlete or passionate fitness enthusiast. You’ve probably embraced the relentless hard work, believing that strengthening your glutes is the key to success in endurance sports and peak physical performance. But here’s the agitating truth: all that hard work might not be paying off as you expect. Frustrating, right?

But fear not because today, we’re about to uncover the solution. It’s all about understanding sensory motor amnesia and forging a powerful connection between your mind and body, specifically to your glutes. This connection is the missing link that can turn your hard work into actual, transformative results.

 Unleash Your Full Potential: The Hidden Path to Success

The Illusion of Hard Work

It’s not merely about grinding harder; it’s about acknowledging that a healthy body can unlock the door to a brighter financial future. Much like the athletes who diligently train their bodies, we, too, can optimize our physical and mental capabilities to reach our financial goals. By paying attention to the hidden connection between our body’s functions and success, we can achieve more with less effort.

Imagine a scenario where someone reevaluates their approach to work. Instead of relentlessly pursuing tasks, they start focusing on maintaining their physical and mental well-being. They discover the importance of sensory-motor awareness and how it impacts their productivity and decision-making. 

Think of sensory-motor amnesia as your blind spot.

With this newfound understanding, you will become more efficient at work, leading to better financial outcomes. It’s a subtle shift in perspective that can yield significant results.

In essence, the journey to financial success isn’t just about working harder or smarter; it’s about recognizing the synergy between body and mind. It’s about integrating practices that enhance our overall well-being, allowing you to achieve your goals with clarity, ease, and efficiency. So, as you explore the hidden path to success, remember that your body holds the key to unlocking your full potential, both physically and financially. And your glute is the focus of this blog.

The Power of Awareness

Have you ever discovered that your glutes aren’t firing as they should? It’s like thinking you’re driving a well-tuned car, only to find out the engine’s been running on low power. The truth is whether your glutes are firing correctly during exercises like hip presses or lunges can be a game-changer in your fitness journey.

But here’s the catch: you may only be aware of this issue once you dig deeper. That’s why it’s essential to recognize what’s happening inside our bodies. And that’s where the power of awareness and mindfulness comes into play. It’s like flipping on the light switch in a dark room, revealing the hidden truth about your body’s performance.

When you start becoming aware of how your glutes are behaving during workouts, it’s like peeling back the layers of a mystery. You might realize they’ve been taking a back seat when they should be in the driver’s position. This newfound awareness is like unlocking a superpower that can transform your fitness game and help those glutes fire up like never before.

But here’s the culprit behind why your glutes might not be firing correctly:

 something called “sensory motor amnesia.” It’s like a sneaky switch in your body that controls muscle activation. When your brain doesn’t recognize a muscle, it won’t activate it properly, regardless of how hard you work.

“Imagine doing all those lunges and hip presses, believing you’re targeting your glutes, but your brain isn’t on the same page. It’s like rowing a boat with one oar in the water, putting in all that effort, but the boat keeps going in circles. “

Sensory motor amnesia is the missing oar that, when you understand that this mechanism is always at play, will give you a clearer picture of your body. Giving you the ability to move faster, making the gains you want. Will steer you in the right direction towards glute activation and fitness success.”

sensr amensia

Sensory Motor Amnesia: The Hidden Culprit

You see, one of the biggest challenges on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself is something called “sensory motor amnesia.” Think of it like a light switch inside your body that can turn muscles on and off. Now, imagine going to the gym, putting in all that effort to do squats and lunges, but your brain doesn’t realize which muscles to activate. It’s like driving a car when the steering wheel doesn’t work correctly; no matter how hard you try, you can get it to be at its best, not crashing, but it does not turn well.

Now, here’s why this happens: our muscles need good blood flow to talk to our brain. When blood flow slows down, it’s like a phone losing signal; your brain can’t hear what the muscle says. When this happens, your brain thinks the muscle isn’t there anymore, and it starts to make your body compensate. This can affect other muscles because they’re more prone to getting tight and losing blood flow. Causing a ripple effect of compensation.

And here’s where your glutes come into play: they’re big, essential muscles you use all the time, but once upon a time, it fell asleep, and another muscle called the piriformis came in to save the day. But now always continues doing the work for you. It’s like having an older sibling that automatically does everything for you without you asking. Your upper glute doesn’t get to talk to your brain as often as it should. Causing an improper habit loop to form. 

Also, The way your hips are positioned also plays a role in this puzzle, but that’s a story for another time. So, by understanding sensory motor amnesia and how it affects your muscles, you’re on your way to making your workouts more effective and reaching your full potential.

Reconnect with Your Body

To beat sensory motor amnesia, you’ve got to get in touch with your own body. Start by paying close attention to how you move and use your muscles. It’s not about doing more and more; it’s about doing it correctly. Imagine it like learning a new game; you’ve got to understand the rules to play it well.

Here’s a cool exercise you can try. It’s like a little game for your body. First, you open up your hip flexor, and when you do that, your glute might take a little nap. But then, try to wake it up! Contract your glute like you’re giving it a little squeeze, and hold it for a moment. It’s like telling your glute, “Hey, it’s your turn to work!” This does two cool things: it gives your quad a deeper, more profound stretch, and it reminds your glute to stay active instead of taking a snooze.

And two, think of this movement as your body’s way of reconnecting to the brain when your glute is active. It’s like a friendly chat with an old friend you haven’t seen. It’s like saying, “Hey, body, we’re back on the same team!” 

Remember, it’s not about doing more; it’s about doing it right, and that’s the secret to success!

So, when you lift weights, it’s like building with blocks; you want to make sure each block is in the right place. Focus on doing it the right way, like when you’re creating a sturdy tower. By retraining your brain-muscle connection, you’ll find that everything you do becomes more accessible.  


The Glute Test: A Game-Changer

Glute Activation: 

  • Get Ready: Find a comfy spot near a chair or couch where you can stretch out.
  • Position Your Foot: Place one foot up on the chair or couch like you’re about to take a seat. And the other foot in front of you, either feet on the floor or knee stretched out.
  • Back bent over the knee that is up, or if you can straighten up, stretch your upper body up. Keep your knee down to the floor.
  • Check Your Glutes: Pay close attention to your glute muscles on the side with your knee down. Does your glute fire? Is it active and engaged?
  • Notice the Feel: If your glutes are taking a little nap and not doing much, it’s time to take action.
  • Activate Your Glutes: Squeeze your glute muscles on the kneeling leg. Hold that squeeze momentarily!
  • Feel the Stretch: As you do this, you notice a nice stretch in your quad (the front of your thigh). Do this to comfort, not pain.
  • Teach Your Glutes: This exercise isn’t just about stretching; it’s about teaching your glutes to stay awake and active, even when not thinking about them.
  • Reconnect Your Body: Think of this exercise as a way of reconnecting with your body, like saying, “We’re in this together, body!”
  • Better Performance: When your glutes are firing correctly, you’ll find that everything you do becomes smoother and more efficient. It’s like tuning up a musical instrument to get the perfect sound.

So, there you go, a step-by-step guide to the Glute activation. Give it a try and see how it transforms your workouts! By activating them correctly, you’ll be on the path to success with less effort. Think of it as recalibrating your body for better performance, like fine-tuning a musical instrument for optimal sound.

Train Smarter, Not Harder

Alright, let’s wrap this up with some powerful wisdom. You see, true success isn’t just about sweating buckets and pushing yourself to the brink. It’s about being clever, like a detective solving a mystery. Your body and mind are like puzzle pieces, and when you connect them just right, you unlock a world of possibilities. Think of it like a pro athlete – they don’t just run around aimlessly; they have a plan, a strategy. They focus on specific things, like building a masterpiece, not just piling up bricks. It’s about being smart, not just working harder.

The Path to the Next Level

Now, to rise to that next level of financial success and truly live your best life, you’ve got to be open to change. Think of it as upgrading your software while keeping the old, reliable features that got you here. The old ways, those well-trodden paths, brought you to where you are today, and that’s worth celebrating. But to reach new heights, you’ve got to step into some discomfort. It’s like climbing a mountain – the view from the top is breathtaking, but the climb can be challenging.

Here’s where sensory motor amnesia comes into play, a real game-changer in your journey. It’s like having a secret tool that makes your climb easier. By slowing down and becoming more aware, you work smarter, not harder. Imagine you’ve just found a shortcut on that mountain climb, which takes you higher with less effort. Sensory motor amnesia helps you activate your glutes, those powerhouse muscles, and you don’t want to rush them into action. It’s like waking up from a deep sleep; you need a moment to adjust to the new day.

Embrace Change Gradually

Now, about that change – it’s not about discarding the old ways entirely. It’s about learning to integrate both methods. Once you’ve gained the awareness of your glutes being online and ready, don’t rush to push heavy loads onto them. It’s like asking someone who just woke up to run a marathon. Give those newly awakened glutes time to adjust, to get used to their newfound role in your journey to success. Slow and steady wins the race.

Here’s a little secret: your body is like a mirror reflecting your external world. 

So, as you embrace change and discover new ways to activate your glutes, become aware of all the other factors that can influence your body’s posture and position. It’s like cleaning the dust off that mirror to see a clearer reflection. Old patterns that no longer serve you can be like smudges on the glass. By addressing them, you ensure that your body is in optimal alignment, supporting your journey to financial success.

In essence, embracing change is about upgrading your toolkit, integrating old and new methods, and giving your body the time it needs to adapt. Like a master conductor orchestrating a symphony, you’ll harmonize the elements of your life, guiding yourself toward that next level of success. Keep moving forward, stay aware, and let the journey unfold. You’ve got this! 

Discover Hidden Obstacles

But here’s the real kicker: just like how you might not realize your glutes aren’t doing their job, there could be other tricky roadblocks hidden in plain sight. It’s like going on a treasure hunt within yourself. And guess what? It’s not just about finding one shiny gem; it’s about discovering a whole chest of treasure inside you. There might be old habits, beliefs, or talents you didn’t even know you had. It’s all about exploring, like an adventurer in a jungle, revealing the wonders within.

So, how do you break free from these sneaky barriers? Well, it’s not about pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion. Instead, think of it like navigating a complex maze with a map. You’ve got to be smart about it. It’s about understanding the intricate connections between your body and mind, just like putting together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

Imagine yourself as a pro athlete, not just running aimlessly but carefully planning each move. Find someone to help guide you, making strategic moves to win the game. Athletes fine-tune their training, focusing on specific things like a painter crafting a masterpiece. They’re not about doing more; they’re about doing it smarter.

The Key Takeaways

Unlocking Your Hidden Potential isn’t about working harder; it’s about unlocking your hidden potential by working smarter. It’s like discovering a treasure map that leads you to untapped riches within yourself. Sensory motor amnesia and glute health are your secret tools, making your journey easier and more efficient. It’s like having a compass that points you in the right direction, ensuring you’re on the path to success.

Your Journey, Your Way

And there you have it – the secret path to success. It’s not about making things more complicated; it’s about simplifying and optimizing, just like fine-tuning an instrument to produce the most beautiful melody. As you continue this journey, remember that success is not about quantity; it’s about quality. Your glutes, your body, your mind – they’re all working in harmony now. You’ve unlocked the power of working smarter, not harder. So, go forth confidently, knowing your path to success is more straightforward than ever. Embrace change, stay aware, and keep thriving on your remarkable journey. Stay empowered, my friend!

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