"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com
Living the Beach life part 2 of 4 Be A Child

Living the Beach life part 2 of 4 Be A Child

Continuing living the beach life mini-series, I am walking you through how we stay checked out while connecting to what makes you heal.

Not forcing a relaxed state is harder than one thinks, and most do not realize that the more genuine the relaxation is, the more healing happens.

Living the beach life is not about sitting on the beach reading a book. It’s not about not worrying about anything. Remember our body is not designed to sit and stay still. It is about movement and connection. If you have not watched the first video please check out why we are on the beach and how to check out.

Connecting Is The Key To Healing

When doing anything to make yourself feel better, the more you can feel and connect the more benefits you will receive. The beach life is the same thing. Doing activities that get you moving naturally and connecting to the world will get you the most benefits. Here I show you the two stations we do on the beach. Both have one theme in common.

Being A Child

This is my next secret to Rapid Healing. The more you can show high energy naturally, the faster you heal. Using the state of curiosity and wonder gives you that state easily.

Listen to when Tyler finds the shark tooth. His energy skyrockets. All you have to do to acheive that is begin to look around and find something unexpected, bend down and get it all in amazement. It’s an instant recipe for healing.

There is so much in this world that’s not in our daily life and we don’t see often. Get in there and experience it, When doing this you stretch more than your hips and back. It stretches your mind, too. And, once you make a habit of stretching your mind, you have connected to another pillar for experiencing rapid healing.

Connecting the mind and body is always spoken about and living my beach life will connect that.

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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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Living The Beach Life 1 of 4

Living The Beach Life 1 of 4

Where Do You Go When You Want To Check Out?

To live and move pain-free is more than physical work. There is more to life than just the physical world there is a detachment that we need to learn. Today we will be showing you how to do live the beach life. This is one of the activities we rarely do to check out of the rat race. Checking out and living the beach life is an amazing and peaceful thing if you plan it and learn to be at ease.

There is a difference between going somewhere to check out and actually checking out. Preparation has to be done in order for our busy minds to calm down. I have three kids and a wife I have to stay connected to, and if I just wing going to the beach and hope I will check out, I have a serious wake-up call coming.

The Art Behind Calming The Mind

I am realizing that there is an art to calming the mind in any situation.  Being prepared is key but the intention is where you start.

Ask yourself where can I go to completely check out. Where ever it is to prepare yourself for the obstacles that stop you from standing there in amazement of the wonders of natures. That is what will stop you from experiencing the calm. It looks like this picture of Devin during sunrise one morning. She just stood so still and that child does not sit still.

PAtrick Lerouge with daughter looking at the ocean


I speak with clients and they say they know how to check out, they explain the earthing qualities they get when their feet are in the ocean and their skin is bathed in the vitamin D of the sun. But they do not say anything about their mind being calm and clear so they can feel more.

Experiencing the beach is how you know you are in the sweet spot of healing. Watching the water, hearing the water feeling how it has the power to push you back and forth. Those are the experiences that get you to feel, Feeling anything turns off the logical mind and allows healing to rapidly take place.

Make the intention to experience the action you are doing and prepare yourself the obstacles that will get in your way next, for me its kids 🙂  and I will explain how I get around that through this months mini-series.

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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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My Secret To Regain Balance In My Life

My Secret To Regain Balance In My Life

This is the last very powerful segment of eliminating pain by regaining balance from within. In this 10 minute end of the mini-series, I show you how I create balance in my life. Using the so-called good experiences and the bad, like eating sugary foods drinking wine and having an all around a great time. The secret trick is understanding where I focus my power. Before you can get a handle on your power, you must take an inventory of what is creating havoc in your life. Using the secret trick of power takes an understanding of the bigger picture.

Taking inventory of the bigger picture to use the secret trick

Ask yourself what makes you happy to do? One of mine I speak about in the video is being in awe of my garden, it has taken a life of its own, and growing at a rate that I can not explain. Those tomato plants are taller than Michelle now.  Why this is important is because it balances out the internal equalizer, Inside all of us is this equalizer, I call it our foundations. The mental foundation, emotional, and the physical foundations need to be in balance. Think of it as an algorithm we must get right to use the secret of power.

Patrick Lerouge showing his garden on www.livepainfreeprocess.com as a part of his secret trick to stay balanced

I speak of other experiences that build up my foundations in the video but, how I experience or perceive these good experience makes the difference. I have learned to be present during them which gives more power. Allowing me to do as I please with no regrets.

Here’s an example: Going out of our way to eat awesome doughnuts from a place in the city. I focused on the fact we went on a journey as a family and connected more, rather than getting down on myself for eating bad food. If I focus on the bad, I would have never been able to experience the maple bacon cronut. It was like bacon melted into your pancake that had maple syrup on it, absolutely delicious.

Patrick Lerouge www.livepainfreeporcess.com eating doughnuts while using secret trick

In short to use the secret of power you have to know and see what’s in the bigger picture. How your foundation is managing them. Then, change your focus and becoming present in the moments that build up those foundations.


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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

Please sign up for weekly inspiration and more great tips to live and move pain-free and create the life you love,

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Finding your balance to become balanced

Finding your balance to become balanced

Finding Balance Within Ourselves is this month’s miniseries topic. If you have not watched the first three video please go back and watch them, the first week was about what is balance from within.  The second was about Work-life balance, and the third was about how to improve your personal improvement balance,

Today I will be discussing physical balance. How is being clumsy showing you are out of balance? Actual standing balance can show how you are interacting with the world. Many speak about being clumsy and having lousy balance. Unless you are getting up there in age or you have a nerve issue, your balance can improve dramatically with this exercise.

How does balance translate to not being balanced within

Have you ever reached for something and missed it, or missed your mouth or messed up your footing while walking? These are all signs your not aware of your mind-body connection. I give another example of what it looks like as a child in the video with what happened with my daughter on our walk to school 🙂

When your mind moves faster than your body can, we get clumsy and make mistakes that can be embarrassing. So use this moment as a sign or a clue that you are not connected mentally and physically. In the video, the exercise is used for rehab to work on intrinsic muscle strength, creating better balance and movement patterns. I do the spin during my meditations and learn how to build a better connection between both areas.

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(and a special deal you will LOVE!))

Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course. 

Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

Please sign up for weekly inspiration and more great tips to live and move pain-free and create the life you love,

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Personal Improvement

Personal Improvement

Another mystery for some people to find balance in is their personal improvement. The hardest part of finding time to improve yourself is learning where to put the time when you get it. Most people do not attempt to improve themselves outside of work. When they do they focus just on working out and their bodies. Here is a common hurdle I see happening when attempting to balance out personal improvement need.


Patrick Lerouge www.livepainfreeprocess.com speaking about work life balance

As I said finding a balance between your personal improvement needs is tricky. It takes you seeing the whole picture of your work, family, social life and health. Being strategic is the only way to make it sustainable. You have to understand your hurdles before you can make your personal improvement goals a reality. In the video, I take about Working out. Balance out the need to focus on your health.

The main issue is how do I focus on working out when I have kids in the way.

The answer is to incorporate them somehow, so they begin to learn how not to be in the way and still be in the mix. Kids learn from what they see, especially from our parents they hold a special place in our minds. So to get around the hassle of them bothering you and getting upset because you are not taking care of your self.  Let’s embrace the chaos and reap the reward after.


Can’t wait to read your thoughts in the comments and as always thanks for watching!


>> Foam rolling for a pain-free life video course.

>> Trigger pointing to a pain-free life video course.

>> Stretching for a pain-free life video course.

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