"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

What’s up? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You could find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. I help people get out of pain extremely quickly using the Live Pain Free process that I designed, and it’s easily known as an athletic optimizer. It optimizes athletic performance, but it’s designed to help you live and move pain free. It gives you a step-by-step process on how to eliminate your physical pain, enhance your mental game, and balance out your emotional state so you actually can see things clearly and make proper decisions or proper choices.  It’s based off getting you to understand you are in control. You have the power to change anything. Today, we’re going to be talking about the difference between muscle pain and bone pain. A client came in; she was torn, and she was slowing down the progression of her injury because she was unclear mentally what was happening inside of her body physically. She kept thinking, Maybe it’s a bony pain, or maybe it’s a muscle pain. She kept bouncing back and forth, rather than getting the data on what it was and clearing out her thought process like, “All right, this is what I need to do from now on.” She bounced back and forth for quite some time and slowed down her healing progression.

To end the story, as soon as she got her MRI, she found out what was happening, and her pain went away within that week. That’s how quick it is. It’s a matter of you understanding what is actually happening, and I’ve said this time and time again; the clearer you are about what’s actually happening, the sequence of events gets put in place, and then your body just relaxes. As soon as the fight or flight system comes on, your body does not heal rapidly. You have to learn that we get in our way 100% of the time. We have to always step back and say, “All right, this is what’s happening.”

As soon as she found out the MRI came back not a bone issue, she was like, “Oh, okay.” It started to fluctuate instantly, she said. Within the time before I saw her the following week, she was like, “I barely feel it. It comes on and off, but when it does come, it’s not even a problem.” The difference that I want you to realize is that with a muscular pain, it feels very superficial because our body is layered, so it has these different layers, starting with a fatty layer working down to the big fat bone. There’s layers throughout the whole muscle, so wherever you’re getting your pain, you want to look at your body as a 3D object and see how far down it is. Is it permeating down, or is it permeating up?

If it’s permeating up, it’s a deeper layer of a muscle tissue going to the surface. If it’s really, really deep and it almost feels like a dull toothache, you’re closer to the bone. I’m not saying you have a bone issue; I’m saying you’re close to the bone. That tells you that you have to now really work if you’re going to foam roll or trigger point and stretch through those top layers that have their own protective level before you make it to the real problem.

There are a bunch of different layers that you have to work through with their own protection layers and circulatory aspects to it, and the deeper you go, the slower the circulation to that area. That’s why bone takes so long to heal, by the way, because it doesn’t have as much blood flow, or circulation. You want to take your time. The deeper it feels, the slower you have to go. A muscular issue heals faster because it’s higher up and has more circulation, but if it’s really, really deep, you have to take your time with it as well, similar to working with bone.

I see that problem a lot. Clients say, “Oh, it’s so deep. It’s bothersome. I have to stay off of it.” Because it doesn’t get circulation and the fact that you’re not trying to get circulation to it means that it stays the same. You have to play with it in its safe place. Once you find that safe zone, then your body is going to start healing.

That is the difference between a bone pain and a muscular pain. If you have any other questions or need some extra help, always go to livepainfreeprocess.com, and there’s my 40 easy ways of eliminating pain PDF as well as a pain relief zone. If all those things don’t help you, just hit me up. Until next time, bye.

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