"TRU 688 REST" (878) 688-7378 Patrick@patricklerouge.com

What’s going on? Patrick Lerouge here from Evolve Restorative Therapy. You can find me at livepainfreeprocess.com. It is 2016, and boy do I have some fun things working out for you. As you know, I am very, very skilled at getting people out of pain. It’s all because of the process that I designed called the Live Pain Free Process. It is amazing. So many of my clients have told me repeatedly that it’s an athletic optimizing machine, but it wasn’t designed for that. It’s actually designed to help a person live and move pain free. That’s just what they’re using it for. It warms my heart to hear clients say that. You have to realize that this process was designed for living and moving pain free. It gives you a step-by-step guide on how to eliminate pain physically, how to enhance your mental aspect, and how to balance your emotional state. That’s not just for the physical world.  The Live Pain Free process is going to help you in many different ways. I structured a whole bunch of videos for you guys all based off of that process. It’s going to be working off of last year’s last video tip, which was all about the pain-free mindset. The pain-free mindset is going to be the foundation for everything.

My goal for this year is to make your pain-free mindset that much stronger. You have to understand what I was talking about in part one of this pain free mindset video I did last year. If you didn’t watch it, please go watch it. A pain-free mindset is your foundation. In order for you to hone that foundation, you have to learn how to sit in your soup. The experiences that you ask for, all the aches and pains that you’re doing, all the working out that you’re doing is asking for your body to talk to you. Your body is telling you either “Stop,” or “Good work, now I need you to perform much better. This is where I need you to go.” It’s guiding you. It’s making you stronger.

Last year, we talked about the whys behind the pain-free mindset. You have to understand why it’s happening. This year, every month we’re going to take it apart issue by issue. We’re going to break it out in four different videos, one being the Pain-Free Mindset. Why is this happening, and how do you make yourself stronger from it? It’s all about making yourself stronger, making yourself better, experiencing, and learning how to endure your life experiences that you asked for. It’s going to be amazingly important for you to understand why it’s happening and then how you make yourself stronger and how to live through it. The other three videos are how to clean it up in the areas of foam rolling, trigger point, and stretching.

This video is only going to be about the pain-free mindset and how to make you much better. There are two things that you have to realize: 1. How can you make whatever you’re going through safe? Let’s say you hurt your back; how can you make your experience of you going through life still safe? It’s not about feeling brittle or frail or old or simple or a wimp because you have to use a crutch, use a wheelchair, or need someone’s help. Asking for someone’s help takes courage and strength.

You have to make your life safe consistently so you can have a clear mind enough to actually deal with it and learn from it. If you’re always in fight or flight, your body is always going to say, “I have to make it through the next moment. I just have to exist. I have to stay alive,” rather than saying, “I’m learning from it. I’m thriving from it.” The way that you get that safety is by getting a ton of knowledge about your issue, which is number two. For that back pain, don’t just go to an orthopedic. Go to an acupuncturist. Go to a naturopath. Go to a dietitian. Go to many different people. You don’t have to get treatment by them, but hear what they have to say. Get the data. Get the knowledge that you need to form your own opinion about your own issues because it resonates well with you.

Once you do those two things, you’re in a place to actually learn from it. You’re in a place of: “All right, I have a bulging disc, and the orthopedic surgeon said I have to take time off. I have to be off my feet. The acupuncturist said I have to work with my bladder meridian, which I don’t know what the bladder meridian is, but I have to work with my bladder meridian as well as my conception vessel. I have blockages within my water meridian; maybe I need more fire in my life.” Then I talked to this other guy that said my back pain was coming from a financial draw. It’s coming from a worry within the monetary world, but what’s happening in my money world? What’s going on other than just the physical is the key here.

That’s the data that you’re looking for, not just what’s happening in the physical, but what’s happening in the mental, the emotional, and then the physical. Those are the ways that you’ve got to work it. Once you do those two things, you can learn about your issue, and then you could become stronger so if it does happen again, you know how to get out of it faster because you’re present. You’re mindful through the whole thing because you kept it safe and you kept getting data on yourself. You learned from your issue, then you saw what you did and how to get out. You timed it. You mapped it because you’re being present.

It’s not just, “Oh man, it was two weeks and it hurt. I don’t know what happened, but it just went away.” You should never, ever want to say those things. Say, “It lasted 2 weeks, and then it went away because I did this, I talked to this guy, that guy. This person helped me walk properly; I had to relearn how to walk. I went to this personal trainer. He showed me about my transverse abdominals versus my glutes. He showed me about my quad and hamstring balance. He showed me all these different things. You want to be able to list it out. If you can list it out, that problem should never happen again in the severity that it did because you have the data, and you did it in a safe enough manner that you can retain it.

That’s the key. That’s what we truly want from a pain-free mindset because every time a different situation comes — a bad breakup, issues within your spouse, issues within your friends, feeling lonely within yourself — that’s when true learning happens because you’re taking it apart. That’s when you become a stronger self. That’s when you start to evolve. That’s when you start to bring yourself up. That’s our first video tip.

If you need some help with some pain relief, go to the website. I’m giving away stuff. I have 43 ways to get out pain right on my website. If you want that, go check it out. It’s the first thing on livepainfreeprocess website, as well as a pain-free zone where I have a bunch of video tips for you guys. Go check it out. If you guys have any questions, come in because it’s 2016, and it’s time to get some people out of pain. Until next time, bye.



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